Q1: What is a Court Ordered Substance Abuse Evaluations?
A Substance Abuse Evaluation is a court-ordered or attorney recommended evaluation for a custody case that includes an in-depth Psycho-Social History, assessment, and referral with recommendations.
Q2: What can I expect?
A Forensic Substance Abuse Evaluation is a 1.5 to 2 hour in-person appointment including the following:
- A Diagnostic Interview, a fully structured questionnaire and interview that determines the presence of a substance abuse problem as listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)
- An (ASAM), Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), and SASSI Assessment Tool: a structured interview that assesses employment and support, drug use, alcohol use, medical status, psychiatric status, legal status, and family/social status. ASAM addresses not only your use over the past 12 months but also the implications of use over the course of your lifetime.
- Names of Collateral Contacts for interviews will be required: You will be asked to sign a release that allows people with first-hand knowledge of your substance use to report their observations to the professionals assessing you. This information would only be collected from those closest to you and can help round-out the evaluation to better meet your needs.
- Mental Health Screening: an assessment determining mental health problems like depression or anxiety and make appropriate referrals and recommendations
- Reviewing Documents: certain documents pertaining to your case (i.e. copies of custody case, criminal history or arrests, substance abuse records, character reference letters) which may may be furnished by yourself or your attorney must be brought to the appointment
- Follow-up Phone Consultation of Outcome in 2-4 weeks following appointment
Q3: How do I register?
- Call or Email Dellena to set-up your appointment.
- Email to Request the fillable Court Ordered Substance Abuse Evaluation form.
- Complete the fillable Court Ordered Substance Abuse Evaluation form and email to Dellena prior to first appointment.