An individual driving a commercial motor vehicle who fails or refuses a drug or alcohol test must undergo a return-to-duty, or RTD, process before returning to their safety-sensitive duties. Those convicted of or who appear to be driving under the influence may also be required to get a DUI evaluation to determine the extent of drug or alcohol involvement. Get in touch with us if you need a DUI evaluation or a substance abuse assessment.
Our Services
Dellena Hoyer, a qualified Substance Abuse Professional, offers these services in the Bay Area:
DOT Return-to-Duty Substance Abuse Assessments
Our return-to-duty substance abuse assessments help commercial drivers return to their safety-sensitive duties. Dellena conducts a thorough evaluation to diagnose the issue and offer recommendations. The process includes an initial face-to-face or online clinical examination and an assessment of the individual's mental health. SAP referrals can consist of educational courses, counseling or inpatient referrals. We also offer a follow-up evaluation and a random or scheduled return-to-duty test to ensure the person is drug or alcohol-free and ready to return to work.
Court Ordered Substance Abuse Assessments
A court-ordered substance abuse evaluation is a direction ordered by the court or recommended by an attorney requiring the person to undergo a comprehensive drug or alcohol evaluation. It includes a thorough examination of the person's drug and alcohol use history, their psychosocial history and the SAP's recommendation.
Out-of-State DUI Evaluations
An out-of-state DUI evaluation is a court-ordered assessment that determines if the individual was driving under the influence. Drunk driving can incur severe penalties in some states, including fines and imprisonment. A first offender may also need to undergo individual or group counseling and drug or alcohol education, depending on the SAP's recommendation.
What Should You Expect?
Expect a comprehensive evaluation for the return-to-duty process, including a thorough assessment, recommendations, and follow-up evaluation.
For marijuana positive-drug tests, your SAP will have you do a non-DOT test to ensure you are testing negative.
A court-ordered substance abuse evaluation involves an in-person appointment that takes between 1.5 to 2 hours and includes an interview, a screening test and a mental health screening. You're also asked to sign a release that allows us to collect information about drug use or abuse from the people close to you. Expect a follow-up consultation on the evaluation outcome 2-4 weeks after scheduling your appointment.
For a DUI evaluation, you undergo an initial screening, and the SAP may recommend you attend one or more of the following: AA meetings, counseling and educational classes, DUI referrals, and outpatient or inpatient referrals.
How to Register for Your Evaluation
Call or email Hoyer to set up your evaluation as soon as possible. You may also need to fill out the Court-Ordered Substance Abuse Evaluation form. If you don't have the form, email us to request a copy.
For the return-to-duty evaluations, create an account at the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse website, and request Dellena Hoyer as your SAP. Feel free to contact us if you have further questions.