Q1: DUI Evaluation?
A DUI Evaluation is a court-ordered evaluation that determines if an ongoing condition like substance use disorder (SUD) substance use disorder is present, or if there is not enough evidence. Even if there isn’t enough evidence, many states will still require you to undergo various programs or court-ordered obligations as deemed acceptable by the court.
Q2: What can I expect?
A DUI Evaluation includes the following:
- Initial Screening to determine recommendations: Depending on the state, the incident/sentencing, and the recommendations of the agency that evaluated you, you may be required to attend one or more of the following:
- DUI alcohol evaluations
- Random drug and/or alcohol urinalysis
- AA or NA meetings
- Substance abuse education classes
- Substance abuse counseling sessions
- Inpatient or outpatient program
- Following completion of assessment, a written report of recommendations will be sent to appropriate agencies
Expediency is key.
Even though you did not choose these circumstances, it’s advantageous for you to begin this process immediately. Not only does this exhibit to the judge and prosecution that you take your responsibilities seriously, but it also helps coordinate the care and support you may need.